On the Same Page: The Baraboo River: A Cultural History and Discovery Days fire truck next week

Reedsburg Public Library staff

This sketch shows the Baraboo River as seen in Reedsburg in the 1860s. (Submitted photo)

Summer library programming continues next week with two special events.

Paul Wolter, executive director of the Sauk County Historical Society, will present the program, The Baraboo River: A Cultural History. On the same day, the Reedsburg Fire Department will visit the library for a session of Discovery Days.

In keeping with the summer’s outdoor adventure theme, Paul Wolter has been invited to present a program about the Baraboo River on Thursday, Aug. 1, at 6 p.m. in the library’s Community Room. Today, we know the river as a source of recreation for kayaking and canoeing, however, the river has a storied history beginning with indigenous peoples who used the river for food and transportation over a thousand years ago. Wolter’s visual presentation starts with these early days and moves through the times of the French Canadian fur traders. The river would in fact be named after trader Francois Barabeau. When white settlers arrived in the 1830’s, the power of the river would be harnessed with at least eleven dams which would fuel the growth of 10 communities. There is no registration or fee required to attend this program.

Earlier on Thursday, Aug. 1, students (Grades K through 5) attending Discovery Days will learn about fire safety from representatives of the Reedsburg Fire Department. A fire truck will be parked outside, and after the program participants will be introduced to the many features of the truck. Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance for this program, either on the library’s online calendar or via a phone call to the library.

The rest of the regular summer lineup continues next week with Reedsburg Writers on Monday, July 29, at 10 a.m., and Reedsburg Readers I on Tuesday, July 30, at 2 p.m. On Wednesday, July 31, babies ages 0 to 2 years, their caregivers and siblings, can enjoy stories, songs and fingerplays at Babygarten at 10 a.m. Teen Time (Grades 6 through 12) on Wednesday July 31 at 1 p.m. will feature tie-dye. Bring a
T-shirt or other cotton item to dye, and remember to wear old clothes as the program will get messy! On Thursday morning, Aug. 1, join Miss Steph and Miss Heather at the Loganville Village Hall at 10 a.m. for Loganville Little Library to enjoy stories and crafts. Friday’s Storytime and Lunch Bunch Storytime will be held at 10 a.m. and noon on Aug. 2, respectively.

On Monday, July 29, Assistant Director Caitlin Opatik will host Grown Up Monday Fun Day and a showing of the recent movie featuring endurance racers, and the stray dog who becomes part of the team. Based on a true story, learn how canine King Arthur comes by his name and the harrowing adventures he has with his fellow racers in the jungles of the Dominican Republic. There is no registration or fee required to attend this program.

For questions about any library program or service, call the library at 608-768-READ (7323) or email info@reedsburglibrary.org.